
During my time in graduate school, I have had the privilege to teach four sections of introductory economics. I taught three large sections (around 250 students) during the regular fall and spring semesters in several different modalities, and one small summer course. In addition, I completed a fellowship in Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Teaching through James Madison College, the residential liberal arts college at Michigan State. Learn more about the fellowship and my work during it here 


Teaching Summaries and Reviews

Introduction to Macroeconomics Spring 2021

Attached are a summary of my teaching reviews from the Student Instructor Rating System (SIRS). 1="excellent", 5="poor".

Average score across all questions: 1.716

Official summary including all student comments here 

Selected Student Comments:

Introduction to Microeconomics Summer 2021

Attached are a summary of my teaching reviews from the Student Instructor Rating System (SIRS). 1="excellent", 5="poor".

Average score across all questions: 1.762

Official summary including all student comments here 

Introduction to Macroeconomics Fall 2021

Attached are a summary of my teaching reviews from the Student Instructor Rating System (SIRS). 1="excellent", 5="poor".

Average score across all questions: 1.694

Official summary including all student comments here

Selected Student Comments:

Introduction to Macroeconomics Spring 2022

Teaching reviews are forthcoming